Dice Roller App ダイスのApp
by David on 2016-01-01 (Fri) 16:47PMThis is a simple dice rolling app for smartphones running the Android operating system. I wanted to try my hand at making a quick program, and this is what came out!
http://www.kitaq gamers.com/pages/Dice.apk
(Version 1.1)
Update Jan 2016:
There is an online version available here (any device should work: iPhones, iPads, Androids, laptops etc.). オンラインでのバージョンはこちら:
http://www.kitaq gamers.com/dice
Designed with Warhammer in mind:
- Enter the number of dice to roll to Hit, and push the ROLL button.
- The dice results are presented in a user-friendly visual list.
- Simply tap any dice that missed, and push ROLL again to re-roll to Wound.
- Tap off the misses, and roll again to make saving throws. Done!
- For large horde units like goblins and zombies, why roll 30+ dice again and again and again, when this can do it in seconds?!
Anybody can download this App completely free for their personal use. Click on the link above to download, or use your phone's camera to snap a shot of the QR code. There's no sneaky code (malware, spamware etc) embedded in it. As it's my first App, I'd love some feedback on it in the comments section below!
JAPANESE: 日本語でも紹介しますね。携帯を買い換えたので、「App」の作成をしてみたかったです。写真のように「ダイスのApp」を作成しました。ウォーハンマーの大きいユニットのヒットロールとダメージロールなどにはとても便利かも。スマートフォンでQRコード(または上にあるリンクからダウンロードできます)。もちろん無料です。コメントがあれば、下に書いてくださいね!
Chris 2011-11-05 (Sat) 21:05PM

The roll button is not displayed fully and shaking it sends it into an unbreakable loop of reroll sounds.

David 2011-11-05 (Sat) 21:26PM

Yeah, I thought I might have layout problems. I'll tweak it, and see if I can't fix that. Gotta find myself some more info on screen sizes....

Chris 2011-11-05 (Sat) 22:12PM

I was also a bit confused with the reroll thing. It seemed to only roll the new dice and the hits I already had were lost.
However, despite my (hopefully) constructive criticism, nice app and look forward to seeing more.
Are you using eclipse to program it? I was thinking of having a go at making some small apps.

David 2011-11-05 (Sat) 23:41PM

Is the space you say you've got left over, all at the bottom, or what?
The way I envisioned it was like this... Say that you have 20 goblin spear attacks, and they all require 4+s to Hit and 4+ to Wound. You'd type in "20" for the number of dice to roll (like the screenshot above left), and push the ROLL button. Then you'd delete the ones, twos and threes as misses to Hit by tapping out those buttons. Using the screenshot example above, you'd have 9 hits that were successful (3 sixes and 6 fives). So once you'd tapped out the ones, twos and threes, you'd only have the fives and sixes highlighted. Then you'd push the ROLL button again to see how many of those 9 Hits actually Wound. To continue the example, say 5 of those subsequently rolled dice get four or more, so you'd tap out the other missed results, and your opponent could quickly push the roll button to see how many armour saves he could make.
Okay, so the explanation is lengthy, but actually the whole process would take 10 seconds or so.
I was keen to get going straight away designing this App, so I tried using Google's free online App Inventor. Reasonably easy to work with, but it was a little limited in terms of layout options. Hence the cut off screen you're getting.

David 2011-11-06 (Sun) 10:55AM

Stephen 2011-11-06 (Sun) 12:13PM

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